Spinal adjustments are one of the most commonly performed chiropractic techniques. When performed by a qualified practitioner, an adjustment is a safe, natural and non-invasive procedure. This form of health care allows the chiropractor to treat the patient’s condition by correcting joint misalignments and restoring joint mobility. Learning the art of adjusting is a skill that requires years of study and practice.

Extremity adjusting improves motion in the joints of your arms and legs that can suffer from constant stress of weight-bearing and repetitive motions. The lack of motion can manifest as pain in the wrist, elbow, ankle, knee, or by creating problems that end up causing spinal pain. Therefore, it may be necessary for the doctor to look at areas other than the spine. Adjustments to the extremities are just as comfortable and beneficial as those performed on the spine.

Chiropractic Table

What causes the need for a spinal or extremity adjustment?

  • Macrotrauma (big events) such as a sport injury, work-related injury or auto accident.
  • Microtrauma (little events) due to repetitive use, postural stress or poor ergonomics (work environment).   An example of this would be carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Emotional stress or mental abuse.
  • Chemical stress due to poor nutrition and diet.